Wednesday, October 24, 2007

my desktop freeview

My desktop!! Me and kids...miss my nephews and niece.

Note: Copy Starts Here!

My Desktop Free View Instruction:

A. Upon receiving this tag, immediately perform a screen capture of your desktop. It is best that no icons be deleted before the screen capture so as to add to the element of fun. You can do a screen capture by:

1. Going to your desktop and pressing the Print Screen key (located on the right side of the F12 key).

2. Open a graphics program (like Picture Manager, Paint, or Photoshop) and do a Paste (CTRL + V).

3. If you wish, you can “edit” the image, before saving it.

B. Post the picture in your blog. You can also give a short explanation on the look of your desktop just below it if you want. You can explain why you preferred such look or why is it full of Icons, things like that.

C. Tag five of your friends and ask them to give you a Free View of their desktop as well.

~ I am tagging sisters Aimee and Sherylyn, high school friend Jinky

D. Add your name to this list of Free Viewers with a link pointing directly to your Desktop Free View post to promote it to succeeding participants.

iRonnie - I Set No Corner
Thess - Thesserie
Rebecca - Skippy Heart
Knoizki - A Dialogue with K
Beng - Kauderwelch
- domlawrenceOSB
- bluepanjeet™ OTWOMD™
Marie @ Vanidosa Marie and Vanidosa at blogspot
Ems @ Just Let Go and Pieces of Me
Tere @ Journey in Life
Nita @ Nita’s Random Thoughts
JennyL Simply Jen and This and That
Caryl @ Mother’s Horizon
Lovely @ Lovely Ruth’s Blog
Chikai @ BLOGSILOG & Thinking Out Loud
iSSa @ Tongue Temptations & Issa's Dollar Earners

Sophia @ Huh?!

drink and drive

clipped from
The fridge marketers can't compete with this public-sector effort
 blog it

Friday, October 19, 2007

Bridezilla or just a typical bride?

clipped from
A New York City bride has filed a $400,000 lawsuit over her wedding flowers. Bride Elana Glatt alleges that the hydrangeas were the wrong colour. Instead of US$27,000 worth of dark rust and green hydrangeas specified, Glatt got pastel pink and green. She says they were also wilted and brown, and arranged in dusty vases without enough water. The bride's lawyer had this to say: "The use of predominantly pastel centerpieces had a significant impact on the look of the room and was entirely inconsistent with the vision the plaintiffs had bargained for." (Source: MSNBC)
blog it

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Smell of books

I took on volunteer work for the church library in St. Benedicts. It's 2 hours every Thursday from 10am-12nn.

Today was my first day. I came in at around 11 to get my orientation. My first task was to help in cataloguing books. I had to write the book's information in a record book and 3 cards.

I was surprised that I enjoyed the hour I spent there. I don't know if it's because I'm doing something new or it's because I'm surrounded by one of my favorite things -- books. :)

When I entered the library, the first thing I noticed was the smell. It smelled like heaven to me. hehehe... It was the smell of books. It didn't smell like moldy pages or old leather. For me, it was the smell of knowledge and comfort. Maybe it is because I like to be surrounded by them that I immediately felt comfortable with the place. It was nothing like the school library. The school library felt cold to me (not cold temperature-wise because the room temp is warm). It felt detached. It wasn't homey unlike St. Ben's. In the church library, I just want to curl up with a good book in the couch and read all day.

The time passed quickly and suddenly it was already 12. So I left the library looking forward to Thursdays.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Wear a hat

Last September 22, a friend of ours celebrated her 25th birthday. The party was at Hennessy Bar on Wyndham St. Everybody was asked to wear a hat as part of the night's theme. The party started at 9pm and ended at around 3am. Ate and I were "manangs" and went home at around 1 am.

We had drinks, crackers, cheese, chips, and a lot of dancing. :)

Three of the pictures were taken today during lunch. Pia wasn't able to join us during Ate's birthday dinner celebration in Safran so we met for lunch instead. She brought us to this Chinese restaurant in one of the side streets near Queen St named Momo Tea. They had cheap and tasty food. Also, a wide array of teas to choose from.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Winter Garden

While preparing for the exams last month, Nicole and I decided to take a break and walked to the Auckland Museum in Auckland Domain. They had a lot of gardens scattered all over the place and we happen to pass by the winter garden.

It was a big greenhouse with lots of flowering plants. The flowers were fragrant and very colorful. Here are some of the pictures I took with my mobile phone.

Mama, enjoy!